Cyberinfrastructure Association
Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Officers present: Matthew Whitlock (President), Brandon White (Treasurer), Cameron Mehmken (Membership Chair)
- Total Present: 12
- Open Issues:
- Current Communication and services - Discussion
- Sign up for slack to recieve up-to-date information on club meetings, etc.
- Email with be used sparingly
- Membership Fees - Yea or Nay
- Vote was ‘all in favor’ or $5 annual membership fee
- Special Fun Distribution - Yea or Nay
- Vote was ‘all in favor’ to earmark the membership fees to be used for membership discounts. Alternative uses require a supermajority vote.
- Club funds - Discussion
- AFAP at the end of the fall semester - have a plan to present to SGA
- College Councils are good funding sources but usually stipulations (A&S, CEAT, etc.)
- Also think of offices with a common/similar mission who could provide cosponsorship - again, usually with stipulations
- Corporate sponsorship for special projects (Like building the cluster?)
- Club goals for the year - Discussion
- Main foal this year: to provide educational and skil-building opportinuties for CIA members - building the cluster, attending conferences, competitions, workshops, etc.
- Attendance requirements - Yea or Nay
- Those in attendance feel the $5 membership is probably enough incentive to keep members involved, but encourage Slack communication among regular members
- Current Communication and services - Discussion
- New Business
- New Cluster Computer - Discussion
- Members will contribute ideas for cluster components, ideas, etc. over the next month before meeting in the Tiny Titan Slack channel
- Creation of “Teams” - Yea or Nay
- All in attendance agreed project teams were a good idea, but suggested that it’s important to make sure the teams stay connected and don’t get siloed
- Call for further topics - Discussion
- Association of Computing Machinery - Meeting was at 5:30 that day
- The “unofficial” computer science club
- 2016 OK-LSAMP Research Symposium - Sept. 24
- Association of Computing Machinery - Meeting was at 5:30 that day
- New Cluster Computer - Discussion
- Adjournment