Cyberinfrastructure Association
Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Officers present: Matthew Whitlock (President), Brandon White (Treasurer), Cameron Mehmken (Membership Chair)
- Total Present: 10
- Slack sign up:
- Open Issues:
- Election of Hardware and Software team leaders
- Meeting frequency - team leaders will coordinate meetings outside of general meeting times
- Elections on Slack? Or at the meetings?
- Orange Pi alternative for hardware - Brandon composed a detailed spec sheet comparing a few board options
- Virtual machine for software - could look at setting up a training session to get experience with virtual machines
- New Business
- HPC Training Session
- Goals and dates
- HPCC New User Training Session - November 11 at 4 p.m. in MSCS 514 - sign up on Slack
- Cluster competitions
- Tulsa HPC competition - probably the easiest one to compete in, location & requirements
- SC17 - here is information about SC16’s competition and team guidelines - probably won’t be ready for SC17, but good to keep in mind and maybe use as motivation to start preparing for SC18
- Call for further topics - Discussion
- None
- HPC Training Session
- Adjournment