Before Arriving

(Or just do it now)

Download VirtualBox as below
Download this zip file
The file contains some premade virtual machines so that we don’t have to go through the installation process - it takes up too much time.
Unzip the zip file.


For the initial 2 VMs in this exercise

For additional VMs you should expect to need

Download Lubuntu (16.04, 64-bit version)

Download & Install VirtualBox:

Step One: Setup VM for master node

Create VM / Configure virtual hardware
New VM

Name: node0
Type: Linux
Version: Ubuntu 64-bit
Memory size: 1024 MB
Hard drive: Create a virtual hard drive now
Hard drive file type: VDI (the default option)
Storage on physical hard drive: Dynamically allocated
File location and size
    Name: node0 (default location / name)
    Size: 8.00 GB (default)

Open settings for the VM

	Adapter 1
		Attached to: NAT
	Adapter 2
		Attached to: Internal Network
		Name: cluster

Install Linux
Start the VM
Should be prompted for startup disk, if not click Devices menu → CD/DVD Devices → Choose a virtual CD/DVD disk file, choose the lubuntu ISO file. If you have to click the menu, then you’ll have to reset the power to the VM (Machine menu → Reset).

Linux Installation

Choose English
Choose Install Lubuntu
Installation language: English (again, default)
Country: United States (default)
Detect keyboard layout: No
Keyboard country: English/US (default)
Keyboard layout: English/US
(Stuff will now happen and you’ll have to wait a few seconds.)
Primary network interface: enp0s3 (you may get something different; this was the default)
(system attempts to get IP address and do automatic network config)
Hostname: node0
Full name for new user: pi
Username: pi
Password: raspberry
Encrypt home directory: No (default)
(system attempts to auto-detect time zone; want it to be “America/Chicago”)
Choose whether detected time zone is correct
Partitioning method: Guided - use entire disk (default)
Select disk to partition: SCSI3 (default)
(system will create partition configuration)
Write changes to disks?: Yes
(Linux will now begin installing to the VM’s hard drive.)
HTTP proxy: (leave blank, default)
(Installation will continue)
Install GRUB to the master boot record: Yes (default)
System clock set to UTC?: Yes (default)
(Installation complete)

Configure installed system Log in as pi Open terminal (menu → System Tools → LXTerminal)

Install updates and needed packages

First, you have to update Lubuntu’s lists of the most recent versions of the programs, “packages”, that the system has.
Second, you have Lubuntu use this list to automatically download the newest versions of all of the installed packages and update them.
In order to run these, we have to get administrative privileges. We do this by starting the command with sudo - this tells the terminal to run the command as “root”, which is Linux’s version of Administrator.
The command itself uses apt-get which is the program that we’ll use to update all of the files on this system.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Now we’ll use the apt-get command to actually get and application - or in this case 9 of them at once! Each name you see after install is a different program that we’re asking to be installed.

sudo apt-get install nano vim curl openssh-server nfs-kernel-server build-essential git mpich mpich-doc

Setup network interface for internal cluster network

Above we installed two different network adapters, one that connects to the internet through your real computer, and one that is just connected to the internal “VM only” network.
Now we need to configure the “VM only” adapter to talk to all of the other machines.

  1. First figure out the device name for the network adapter using the NetworkManager Command Line Interface nmcli.

    nmcli device

    The device you want will probably be in red; I got “enp0s8”

  2. Now that we know the device to configure, we need to actually configure it.
    We pass nmcli the c flag, to indicate we’re wanting to modify a ‘c’onnection.
    Then we tell it we want to add a connection named (con-name) cluster
    We then give it the ifname (interface name), which is the name fo the devide we found above.
    Next we tell it the type of connection is ethernet, and give it an ipv4 address of
    Finally, we pass it gw4 to tell it the gateway for ipv4 is its own ipv4 address that we just told it.

    sudo nmcli c add con-name cluster ifname enp0s8 type ethernet ip4 gw4
  3. Give this network interface a lower priority so the system doesn’t try to use it for internet traffic Again we’re dealing with a connection, but this time we’re modify-ing it. We have to tell it the id of the cluster, which is the con-name we gave it above: cluster. Finally we tell it that we want to modify the ipv4.route-metric by setting it to 101. This tells Lubuntu to prioritize this network less that the direct connection to the internet.

    sudo nmcli c modify id cluster ipv4.route-metric 101

Setup nfs share

  1. Use mkdir to make the directory that we’ll share. We’re naming it shared, and placing it in the root directory.

    sudo mkdir /shared
  2. Now we use chown to change the ownership of the directory we made. This just makes sure it is owned by our user (pi) on our machine (pi).

    sudo chown pi:pi /shared
  3. Lets make a test file on this virtual machine, then we can see if it appears on the others. We’ll tell the shell to echo our sentence into (>) a new file in our shared folder, called test.

    echo “My icebox is full of lagomorphs!” > /shared/test.txt
  4. Finally lets configure the settings of how to share the files in our shared folder.
    To do this we need to add line to the file /etc/exports: /shared,no_root_squash,async,no_subtree_check)
    You can do this with either nano or vim, but we’ll use nano

    sudo nano /etc/exports

    Make your changes and press ctrl-x, press y to save your changes, and press enter to keep the same filename.
    We also need to update nfs to use these new settings. We do this by exporting the settings. The ra flags tell it reexport all directories, rather than just some specific ones.

    sudo exportfs -ra

Add /etc/hosts entries (use nano or vim)

Our next step is to tell Lubuntu what the IP addresses of all of the nodes are. This step isn’t necessary per se, but it greatly simplifies your code later. This lets you refer to the other nodes by their name, instead of needing to remember their IPs.

To use nano to do this you’ll run

sudo nano /etc/hosts

Then you’ll add these to the file:	node0	node1	node2	node3	node4	node5	node6	node7

Remove or comment out line node0. We only want the name node0 to resolve to the cluster address, never the loopback address.

Setup ssh keys

The way our nodes talk to eachother is through a secure communication method called ssh. Unfortunately starting a session of ssh normally requires you to enter a username and password each time, which would make our system a lot less automated.
To solve this we’ll generate an SSH key that doesn’t have a password, and just use that key for each node’s communication.
To do this we use ssh-keygen and tell it the type of key we want is rsa, which is to say a key generated with an rsa algorithm.

ssh-keygen -t rsa

Hit enter through all the prompts.
Now we want to take the keys generated and add them to our authorized keys list.
First we use cat, which in this usage just prints the contents of the file you give it - we’ll give it ~/.ssh./
Now that we’re printing the keys, lets tell the console to output to our authorized keys list and just add it to that file. This is done by using >> to indicate we want to append the information to a file, and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys is the location we want to add it to.

cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Setup a slave node to the point of copying ssh keys

Run through the above process to setup all of the slave nodes.

Setup VM(s) for slave node(s)
Create VM / Configure virtual hardware
Follow procedure for master node substituting “node1” (or whatever number) for “node0”.
Install Linux
Follow procedure for master node substituting “node1” (or whatever number) for “node0”.
Configure installed system
Log in as pi
Open terminal

Install updates and needed packages

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install nano vim curl openssh-server mpich mpich-doc nfs-common

Setup network interface for internal cluster network

This time we’ll run it almost the same as above, but we won’t have the same IP address for the node as for the gateway. We want this node to use node0 as the gateway, so we input the IP for node0 after gw4.

sudo nmcli c add con-name cluster ifname enp0s8 type ethernet ip4 gw4
sudo nmcli c modify id cluster ipv4.route-metric 101

Make sure the internal cluster network is working

To do this we’ll ping the master node, if the master node responds we’re good to go. If not, make sure you didn’t skip any steps above. If you’re in the training session and this doesn’t work, now is a good time to put up your red sticky.


Mount the folder we shared with nfs

We need to get access to that shared folder on all of the virtual machines, so first we make the directory on this machine, then we mount the directory from the master node. This will keep this folder the same across all of the nodes.

sudo mkdir /shared
sudo mount /shared

Use ls to look for /shared/test.txt to see if the mount is good. If you don’t see the file, again make sure you didn’t skip any steps on accident. If you do see the file, use cat to see if the correct sentence is in the file.

ls /shared
cat /shared/text.txt

Set the nfs share to mount automatically

We do this by editing the file that Lubuntu checks to see if there are any external filesystems to mount when it boots up.
Add line to /etc/fstab: /shared nfs rw,noatime,hard,intr,vers=3 0 0

sudo nano /etc/fstab

Then just copy the line above into the file and close it like the last time we used nano.
Now we’ll reboot

sudo reboot

Log in and make sure that /shared is mounted by again running ls

ls /shared

Add /etc/hosts entries

Complete this just like how we did on node0	node0	node1	node2	node3	node4	node5	node6	node7

Remove or comment out line “ node1”. We only want the name “node1” to resolve to the cluster address, never the loopback address.

Copy ssh keys from node0

Now we have to make sure each node has the ssh key for node0, so that they can communicate without a username and password each time.
We’ll do this using scp or secure copy. We use scp to make sure no one can listen in on the conversation and copy the key. It’s not really necessary in this situation, but it’s a good practice.
When we use scp, we’ll tell it that we’re copying an entire directory with -r - in this case we’re copying from node0. We can just use the name because we set up all of the /etc/hosts/ entries above. Then we give it the host node0 and the file ~/.ssh.

scp -r node0:~/.ssh ~

Run the above settings for the other 6 slave nodes, substiting the number of the node you’re working on anytime it says node1.

Test MPI

MPI is the framework for sending messages and data back and forth between the nodes, so we’re testing to be sure that works.
From this point forward we can do everything from the master node, node0.

Hello World

  1. Change directories into the shared directory.

    cd /shared

    Now you’re operating from inside the folder we have being shared to all of the nodes.

  2. Make the directory hello_world in this directory.

    mkdir hello_world
  3. Change directories into the hello_world directory.

    cd hello_world
  4. Download the programs we’ll use to test.
    We’ll do this by using wget to download the files from a url.

  5. Use the program make to automatically compile the files your just downloaded.

  6. Run the program!
    To run the program we’ll use mpirun, which runs it using mpi.
    We tell it the number of processes to use by giving it the np flag, then we tell it to run with 2 processes for now.
    Then we tell it which two nodes will host the program.
    Finally we tell it the location of the program itself, which is ./hello_world_mpi

    mpirun -np 2 -host node0,node1 ./hello_world_mpi


This is a slightly more fun program.

  1. For this one we need to install a new program that GalaxSee uses.
    Again, we’ll use apt-get install to get the program.

    sudo apt-get install libx11-dev
  2. Make sure you’re in the shared folder again.

    cd /shared
  3. Download the GalaxSee program itself using wget again.

  4. Now we have to uncompress the program, because it’s all stored in Gal.tgz but we need access to the files.
    We do this with the tar command, and use a small slew of flags to tell it to extract it to the current folder.

    tar -zxvf Gal.tgz
  5. Change directories into the new folder that was made.

    cd Gal
  6. Modify the Makefile to compile the program to work on our particular cluster setup.
    To do this with nano use

    nano Makefile

    Then make a few changes.
    Change CC = mpicc to CC = mpicxx
    Change /opt/mpich/include to /usr/include/mpich in the CFLAGS definition. Change /opt/mpich/lib to /usr/lib/mpich in the LDFLAGS definition.

  7. Compile the program.


To run the program on just one node

mpirun -np 1 -host node0 ./GalaxSee 1000 5.5 10000.0 1

To run on two nodes

mpirun -np 2 -host node0,node1 ./GalaxSee 1000 5.5 50000.0 1

To run the node on even more nodes

Just increase the number after -np, and keep adding more node names to the list of nodes. You have 8 nodes right now.

Try opening a terminal and starting the top command on the slave node(s) before starting GalaxSee on the master node. You should see a GalaxSee process appear in the list of processes and disappear when the program finishes.

TinyTitan Stuff

(Optional) Connect Xbox360 Controller.

If you don’t have a controller or can’t get it connected, you can still do everything with your keyboard and mouse.
If running linux on your physical host (i.e. desktop or laptop) add yourself to the group vboxusers.

sudo usermod --groups vboxusers --append username

Log out and back in, or do some hacky stuff to get your groups reevaluated and start virtualbox from command line (e.g. newgrp vboxusers; newgrp originalgroup; virtualbox &).

Edit settings for node0 in VirtualBox

		Create New Filter
		Edit the filter
			Name: Xbox360 Controller
			Vendor ID: 045e
			Product ID: 028e

Start node0
Wait for node0 to complete startup
Start node1
Log into node0
Start terminal
Check to see if the VM sees the Xbox360 controller


Install needed packages

On the master node run: sudo apt-get install libglew-dev libgles2-mesa-dev libglfw3 libglfw3-dev libfreetype6-dev xboxdrv
On the slave nodes run: sudo apt-get install lubglew1.13 libglfw3

Install TinyTitan programs

cd /shared
mkdir TinyTitan
cd TinyTitan
git clone
cd SPH
cp makefile_jetson makefile_lubuntu
sudo apt-get install pkg-config
pkg-config glfw3 --libs --cflags
nano makefile_lubuntu

Add -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu to the CLIBS definition.
Change -lglfw3 to -lglfw.
Add liquid_gl.c into the compile line before mover_gl.c.

make -f makefile_lubuntu

(Optional) Start the Xbox controller driver

sudo xboxdrv --mouse --axismap -Y1=Y1 --config /shared/TinyTitan/SPH/controller_2.cnf --silent &

Run SPH with two threads (the absolute minimum; one for display and one for computation)

mpirun -np 2 -hosts node0,node1 bin/sph.out

Mouse and xbox controller are working but menu (sometimes?) doesn’t appear when hitting start button on xbox controller. Esc key on keyboard works. Move cursor over the Terminal option and hit the A key on either the keyboard or xbox controller to exit. The L key toggles between liquid and particle view (which color codes the individual threads).


This stuff isn’t needed for the cluster to function, but you might be interested in doing it.

Passwordless sudo

Run sudo commands while logged in as pi without being prompted for a password.

sudo echo “pi ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL” > /etc/sudoers.d/pi_nopasswd


Prevent the GUI from running when the computer is turned on (highly recommended for slave nodes)

sudo systemctl set-default

You may find that you need the GUI to run something. To start it manually run either of these:

sudo systemctl start lightdm.service



If you decide that you want to start the GUI automatically again, run this

sudo systemctl set-default

Route through the master node

On a real system this is how you would network it properly. The difference with our system as done above is that each node has its own connection directly to the internet, which is not feasible with physical computers.

  1. On the slave node(s), add Google’s public DNS server to DNS resolver list.

    Since /etc/resolv.conf is managed dynamically on Lubuntu, you’ll have to add it to one of the resolveconf config files.

    sudo sh -c "echo nameserver >> /etc/resolveconf/resolv.conf.d/tail"
  2. Shutdown the slave node

    sudo shutdown -h now
  3. Remove the NAT adapter from through the VirtualBox settings

    Select the node in VirtualBox.
    Click the Machine menu → Settings.
    Click Network.
    Uncheck "Enable Network Adapter" for Adapter 1, then click OK.

Now we configure the master node to act like a router

  1. Install netfilter-persistent. This allows you to easily make iptables rules permanent without having to modify any scripts.

    sudo apt-get install netfilter-persistent
  2. Setup iptables rules.

    In the rules shown here, enp0s8 is the interface on the private cluster network and enp0s3 is the interface with internet access. We want to change the source address of connections from the slave nodes so that they appear to come from the master node.

    sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o enp0s3 -j MASQUERADE

    Forward anything from the cluster interface to the internet interface

    sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i enp0s8 -o enp0s3 -j ACCEPT

    Forward incoming replies back out to the cluster network.

    sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i enp0s3 -o enp0s8 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
  3. Save the iptables rules

    sudo netfilter-persistent save
  4. Reload all the rules

    sudo netfilter-persistent reload
  5. Set the kernel flag to allow IP forwarding

    Open /etc/sysctl.conf for editing with your preferred text editor

    sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf

    Uncomment the following line:


Save changes and exit the text editor. In nano ctrl-x, y, enter.

  1. Reprocess /etc/sysctl.conf to make the change effective

bash sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf

Now go back to the slave node(s) for testing.

Check to see what interfaces are active:


You should only see enp0s8 and lo (which is the loopback address). If you see enp0s3 then you didn’t remove the NAT network adapter - you will be able to conenct to the internet, but it will be through the same system as in the original instructions.

Check /etc/resolv.conf and verify that it has Google’s DNS server It should be the only nameserver.

cat /etc/resolv.conf

Try communicating with the outside world and verify that it works.

ping -c 4

You should recieve packets back.

For more info on setting up NAT addressing, click here.

Expansion by cloning

To expand the number on nodes by cloning previous nodes (and reducing the number of steps for the new node) follow this, substituting 2’s for whatever number of node you’re making.

Make sure node1 is powered off.

Select node1 in VirtualBox and click the Machine menu → Clone.  
Enter node2 (or some other number) as the new name and choose to reinitialize MAC address of all network cards.  
Choose "Linked Clone". Instead of using the full space of the disk image, the new VM's disk image will only contain the difference between it and node1.  

Start the new node and login as the user pi.

Change the hostname from node1 to node2 using your preferred text editor.

sudo nano /etc/hostname

Change the IP address to node2’s IP.

sudo nmcli c modify id cluster ipv4.address

For node 3 it would be, and so on for other nodes.

Restart the cluster connection.

sudo nmcli c down id cluster
sudo nmcli c up id cluster

Make sure the cluster interface came up with the new IP address.


You should see the IP you entered two steps before this.

And make sure it’s working.

ping node0

Remove existing host keys.

sudo rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*

Generate new host keys

sudo dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server


sudo reboot

From the master node, add the slave node’s host key to your known_hosts file.

ssh-keyscan -t rsa node2 >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Test to make sure you can ssh from the master node to node2 without a password.

ssh node2

You can now start node1 again; all nodes should be able to ping each other.


The basics of a Beowulf-type cluster:

Network config options:

  1. Each VM has both NAT and internal network connections (simpler, as done in basic instructions)
  2. Only master node has NAT; all VMs have internal network and route through master node (like HPCC’s Raspberry Pi cluster, steps to do this are in the extras section)

Since the user pi is the first and only user and is created during linux installation, we know it will have the same UID number on the master and slaves. This UID number should be “1000”. This can be verified with the command “id -u”. On systems that have already been setup, you’ll need to verify that your cluster user has the same UID on all nodes or create a new user with an explicitly assigned UID instead of letting the system choose.